Energy Consumption Reduction Plan
Stockdale ISD
Mission Statement
Recognizing our responsibility as Trustees of Stockdale ISD, we believe that every effort should be made to conserve energy and natural resources. We also believe that energy efficient operations will reduce operating costs and is in the best interest of the district. As a result, we have resolved to create this Energy Consumption Reduction Plan which is to be implemented within each of our facilities and around all of our campuses. It is desired, through this policy, to produce a safe and productive environment for our students, while simultaneously providing prudent management of our financial and energy resources.
Energy Consumption Reduction Plan Resolution
In response to requirements in Senate Bill 12 and House Bill 3693, signed by the Governor in June 2007 and effective as of September 1, 2007, our district now establishes a goal to reduce annual electric consumption, by five percent (5%) each year, measured in KWH, for the next six (6) years, beginning September 1, 2007.
Commitment to Implementation of Plan
Implementation of this plan shall be the joint responsibility of the trustees, administrators, staff and support personnel.
Specific efforts that shall be considered as potential action items for the plan are:
1. Efficient Lighting Systems
2. Solar Electric Generation Panels
3. Efficient Appliance Purchases
4. Vending Machine Operating Controls
5. General Maintenance and Operations Revisions
Recording and Reporting of Utility Consumption
In response to House Bill 3693, Section 8, the district shall record in an electronic repository the metered amount of electricity, water or natural gas consumed for which the district is responsible to pay and the aggregate costs of those utility services. The district shall then report the recorded information on a publicly accessible Internet website with an interface designed for ease of navigation if available, or at another publicly accessible location.
Having considered the responsibility of the district to conserve energy and to preserve our nation's natural energy resources, improve the district's efficiency of operation, and eliminate unnecessary expenditures for energy, the Stockdale ISD Board of trustees does hereby adopt this Energy Consumption Reduction Plan.