Departments » Child Nutrition

Child Nutrition

All lunch applications submitted thus far have been processed. Please create an account with Titan at to receive an email with your student's lunch status. If you have any questions please feel free to contact the Child Nutrition Department.
Upon completion of the entire registration process, the final screen will have a direct link to the application or you can find the online application by visiting


Cafeteria Meal Prices Payment Options
  Breakfast Prices Regular Lunch Prices
K-5th FREE $2.70
6th-12th FREE $2.90
Faculty & Visitors $2.50
1. In Person with Melissa Haecker or Monica Chew at Elementary Campus
2. Online at Click the link to view Instructions & Help with Paying Online.
3. By Mail Attn: Food Service Dept, PO Box 7, Stockdale, TX 78160
4. Any questions or concerns please call 830-996-3113


Forms & Policies

Children with Special Dietary Needs

The U.S. Department of Agriculture regulations require substitutions or modifications in school meals for students whose disabilities restrict their diets. If a physician or other licensed health-care provider determines that a student’s food allergies may result in severe, life-threatening (anaphylactic) reactions, then the student’s condition will meet the definition of a disability, and the prescribed substitutions must be made by the District. 
Please fill out the form below if applicable:

Child Nutrition Staff

hild Nutrition Staff hild Nutrition Staff    
Monica Chew​​​​​​
Child Nutrition Director
Melissa Haecker
Administrative Assistant
  hild Nutrition Staff hild Nutrition Staff  
  Tom Doughtery Yadira De la Fuente  
Juanita Arellano hild Nutrition Staff hild Nutrition Staff Juanita Arellano
Juanita Arellano Wendy Bellows Rosantina Garza Adriana Chavez